Child's Information

Add Another child?

Mother's Contact Information

Father's Contact Information

Add a guardian?
Names of persons other than parents to whom the child may be released

In case of emergency and no parents are available

Medical Problems

List any medical problems the student has as well as any medication currently being taken.
List any allergies the student has.
List any additional medical information for the student e.g. dietary needs, etc.
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A child that is entering kindergarten must be five years of age or making five within six months of the school year (end February). Parents of kindergarten children must present proof of age.

Documents which can be used for this purpose include a birth certificate; a passport; an adoption record; previously verified school records; an affidavit from a parent; or any other documents permitted by law.

A letter indicating that a space has been reserved for your child will be given to the parent.  This letter must accompany the application that is to be submitted to the Ministry of Education.

The registration process must be completed at the Ministry of Education before your child can be officially accepted into Excelsia Primary.

An application may be submitted for entry to Excelsia at any grade level.  Identification and proof of immunizations are required for all students entering Excelsia Primary for the first time.

Students transferring from another school or country should bring transcripts from the previous school.

Kindergarten Tuition $435.00
Grades 1 – 6 Tuition $550.00


An application form must be submitted to the school along with a $75.00 non-refundable registration fee.

A mandatory maintenance fee of $250.00 is due April 1 st of each school year.